• Racks and Accessories
  • SurgeArrest
  • Environmental Monitoring


Data Protection around the World

UPS, Racks and Accessories and Surge Protectors

Wherever data is created, transmitted, or stored, APC products and services are there to protect it. APC by Schneider Electric offers globally recognized solutions designed to provide protection against causes of data loss, hardware damage and downtime. APC products and services cater to different business sizes ranging from home office to datacenters to industrial corporations. Raya Trade offers an essential variety of data protection solutions including APC’s Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), NetShelter racks and accessories, and dependable Surge Protectors designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. This portfolio targets to improve the manageability, availability, and performance of sensitive electronic, network, and communications devices. APC products are all Green Premium and RoHS equipped, as well as infrastructure ready.